In collaboration with Jonathan, Simon, and Anya
As it stands at the moment, the concept of the piece is rather open ended, but the form will be a performance that makes use of programming elements to create an interaction between actors and projected typographic content. There is a possibility that the piece will also incorporate audience interaction in the form of text input, or input from online soures, etc.
My job during the internship will be to research, test and program means for creating interactive elements for a stage production. I am leaving in the spring, so in the context of the class, I will be presenting some working prototype for what will be presented in April. Jonathan and I have discussed the possibility of continuing to assist on the project after I return from exchange.
So far, I have been studying MAX/MSP, and have set up basic communication tools using google apps (googledoc, googlecalendar, etc.). I have also contributed during planning stages, and will continue to do so, to attempt to flesh out what form and content the final piece will take on. I will be expected to develop some tools/ concepts for incorporating procedural interaction into the performance, including MAX/MSP.
My hope coming out of this project will be to have a working knowledge of MAX/MSP, which I will incorporate into my exchange work next semester, and my grad work next year. Additionally, I am excited to begin a project with possibilities of future development.
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